Saturday 25 June 2011


Now, yesterday the people at the Liscannor Bay Hotel promised us that the day would be good. Well, once again we awoke to a windy, wet Irish summer's day. Really gutted as our memories of Ireland will be of hills and valleys shouded in mist, not beautiful sunny countryside. The Irish aren't very happy about how their summer is either!

First stop of the day was to see the Cliffs of Moher. They are spectacular, I'm sure, on a sunny day but even when we got glimpses of them through the mist, they looked amazing. Having been formed over millions of years of deposits of different materials, then eroded in different ways, they are truly one of the 7 wonders of the natural world (they are touting for votes for this at the moment!)
This is how they look on a sunny day from the other end!

Leamaneh Castle

The Burren

From there, we wound our way along the coastline, then inland to Aillwee Cave in The Burren - formed through the ages by the melt waters of a prehistoric ice age and home to the brown bear many years ago. There are bear bones found there that are over 2000 years old. Also saw some stalactites and stalagmites.

Aillwee Cave, Burren

Off then through Galway to stay the night in Oughterard so we can visit a castle tomorrow.
Staying on the shores of Lough Corrib, Ireland largest lake tonight. They are promising better weather in Dublin tomorrow. Will let you know when we get there.

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