Tuesday 21 June 2011


Woke to a wet day, cath went off to work, Luke to school, Sharon and Kim to Chloe's dad's hair salon to transform us back to the young, natural hot NZ chicks we are!

Came out looking a million dollars each (sorry a million pounds). Packed up ready to hit Ireland. Jo took us to the airport and we winged our way to the land of the leprachauns and shamrocks.

Arrived with a bang in that the pilot had us careering around the runway at quite a fast pace, turning corners on a lean - we think he thought he was on the motorway in his car. Pilot tests here must be different than at home (or anywhere else).

Car - so - we have to pay for the full tank now and leave it as empty as we can when we bring it back - is that Irish or what??? The good news is that we got an upgrade of car-type, the bad news is that we couldn't fit our cases in the boot and therefore had to take one of the big ones into the hotel so you couldn't see it in the car overnight - insurance you know.

Started on our way - through the toll booth, 30 minutes on way to Arklow where we are staying tonight, when realised we are missing one bag - take next turnoff and return through toll booth and 30 minutes back to find it. No-one to be seen at the car rental place, phone them, answerphone only, check again at car place and thank God they were back there and found bag! Had Kim's laptop, camera etc so had to get it back.
Back on motorway, through toll booth again, 30 minutes down the motorway and we can start again. eventually got to our hotel at 8.30 (arrived at the airport t 5.45!!!) Talk about 'Luck of the Irish' I think we've got it!???

No photos today - as was in bag that went missing! Promise some tomorrow, to be sure, to be sure, potatoes, potatoes. Goodnight.

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