Sunday 3 July 2011

Day 46 - NEW YORK - HOME

Spent the morning on the ‘Uptown Tour’ of the on/off bus, after having packed and checked out of the hotel. Off for some last-minute retail therapy, before getting the taxi to JFK for our flight back home. Our Bangladeshi taxi driver was very talkative and we learned a lot about the corruption in the NYPD!

Central Park

Harlem house entrances

Last photo in Times Square
Got to the airport in plenty of time – our flight was an hour late – what’s new?

Had a little hiccup at LAX as we were at the wrong terminal for the onward flight to Auckland...... but all’s well that ends well and we are now home safe and sound.

A great trip – wonderful 7 weeks - we had a ball.

Thanks to all our readers. Hope you have enjoyed the trip too!

Day 45 - NEW YORK

Up at 7 this morning to get to the Statue Cruises ferry to Liberty Island to get ourselves primed to scale the 334 steps to the crown of the statue. Took a taxi to Battery Park to get the ferry and enjoyed a lovely 20 minute ride in the beautiful sunshine to Liberty Island.

We started up the statue at a pretty fast pace, however, age and fitness kicked in and we slowed somewhat on the upper levels. Was actually not too onerous at all and the view from up there is magnificent.

View from the Statue of Liberty crown

 Spent an hour in the area going through the museum and taking the necessary photos, then off to Ellis Island to visit the building where the new immigrants to America passed through on their way to a ‘better life’. 

Ellis Island

Really interesting. Lots of exhibits and info so all up it was nearly midday before we arrived back in Manhattan.

Went for lunch at Pier 17 at Southport and bought half-price tickets to a show in the evening.
The 'Naked Cowboy' - famous icon in Times Square

Went off for some shopping, then had a quick bite to eat before going to the Schubert Theatre along the street to the musical, Memphis, about the birth of R & B, and black/white relations in the 50s.

A great way to park in New York

Saturday 2 July 2011


So – eventually got to New York around midday – sorted shuttle that we ahd rebooked – not there – so took taxi to the hotel. Now this hotel is very expensive. However, the wifi is not free, I couldn’t get the coffeemaker to give me hot water for my Earl Grey, but the location is excellent.

The Intercontinental Times square is 2 blocks from Times Square, and right in the theatre district.

We downed baggage and went off to Times Square to check out the famous sights. Amazing place, so vibrant – and so many people on the streets. Times Square area didn’t seem too crowded but the streets around are vey busy.

Bought the Hop on/off bus tickets and we boarded for the Downtown Tour, which lasted around 2 ½ hours.
Got all the goss on who lives/d where and saw all the famous places where different movies were made. We then had dinner and got on the Night Tour bus to visit Brooklyn and Brooklyn heights areas with the lights.

As we were so tired, having actually added hours to our day, we went straight to bed as soon as the tour finished about 11pm (actually 4am).

Wednesday 29 June 2011


Went off this morning in Dublin for breakfast at Flanagans then off to get the boots Kim saw in the window last night. Having bought them, she then couldn't fit them in her suitcases (which were already packed) so into the handluggage they went.

Booked an airport to Times Square shuttle on the net, hen off to the airport. Checked in, waiting for flight. Told flight would be delayed, then embarked 15 mins later. Sat on tarmac for half an hour. Eventually left, an hour late. Missed connection to New York by 7 minutes!

Stood in queue to rebook for 2 hours - no joking here - and it was no joke. Then told that because Aer Lingus brought us to Heathrow, we would have to go to Terminal 1 (we were in Terminal 5)  and get them to find us a hotel.

Eventually got there - 2nd in queue, an hour later - all hotels in area booked out (BA were having trouble too so wasn't just the irish!) because so many connections had been missed because of the pea-soup weather in London! 11.15pm - we had arrived at 7pm - and we finally get a taxi chit to go to my friends house 30 min away from Heathrow - she was in nearly in bed when we phoned.

Get to Sally's house at 15mins past midnight. What a fiasco! we are now back in the airport for a 10am flight to JFK. Lets hope we do go this time. had to phone the hotel in NY to say we were still coming, but a day late, as well as the shuttle who probably never got my 2 messages and charged us for a no-show.

What a day!

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Day 42 - DUBLIN

We set off earlyish today as had a lot to fit in. First we headed down the main road that had the shops on it as Kim wants some brown boots and NO we didn't find any that suit, so New York better have them!!!!
Just another lovely pub
We then took the On-Off  bus around Dublin which was very good and the driver was very entertaining to say the last (I must admit we had a little trouble understanding some of the things he said! To be sure! To be sure!)
 We then walked around on foot as you get to see so much more and walk off all the alchol and food we ate the day before (Yes we have put on a few little kilos, so just be mindful when you see us next and don't say you look healthy with a smile!!!!!!)
The 'tart with the cart', the 'dolly with the trolley' - Molly Malone

Kilmainham Gaol, where the 14 rebels were executed in 1916
The Millenium Spire - erected in 2003!

 Well, we thought that we needed to hear some good old fashioned Irish music, by the way they don't start playing till 9pm or after. We had a little rest before heading out around 8pm to the Temple Bar area that has lots of pubs and music. We picked one that seems to have lots of people in it and it was very Irish, but let me tell you they don't play the old Irish music - it is all the modern stuff that we can sing along to, which I really enjoyed. Met some people and asked them where we go for Irish music and we were told that Perth has great Irish music or Christchurch back home (haha, go Ireland).
The Temple Bar at Temple Barr area

Dublin at night - the Liffey River

Pedestrian bridge

Sharon's impression of the teetotal monk's plea for abstinence
 Walked home around 11ish and still wasn't dark dark in the sky but pleasant seeing the city at night. OK fellow followers off to New York to see the Big Apple before returning home! :-) Talk tomorrow

Monday 27 June 2011


Well up and at breaky early today as wanted a good start for the crossing of Ireland.
We stopped just out of Oughterard at Aughnanure Castle then moved on to Brigit’s Gardens about 10mins away from the castle.

These gardens are arranged in a Celtic fashion with the four seasons centered around a thatched Roundhouse. Here we were just in time to join the meditation session. Unfortunately, we did not have the time to sit around and hum so we hummed as we quickly walked around the gardens instead.

We then decided to take some of the back roads before getting on the motorway to Dublin. We headed up around Lough Corrib, which by the way, is the biggest lough in Ireland (the reason I know this is it shows me on the map!). It was good not to just hit the motorway straight away as there is not much to see when travelling at 120kph on a dead straight road – hard not to fall asleep.

 Well, the rest of the trip to Dublin was pretty boring on the motorway. When we hit Dublin they don’t have the names of the streets or turn-offs, so you have to guess and by the way it can be a little stressful (I have medicated Kim and put her to bed!). See you tomorrow I’m knackered and need medicating too!

Saturday 25 June 2011


Now, yesterday the people at the Liscannor Bay Hotel promised us that the day would be good. Well, once again we awoke to a windy, wet Irish summer's day. Really gutted as our memories of Ireland will be of hills and valleys shouded in mist, not beautiful sunny countryside. The Irish aren't very happy about how their summer is either!

First stop of the day was to see the Cliffs of Moher. They are spectacular, I'm sure, on a sunny day but even when we got glimpses of them through the mist, they looked amazing. Having been formed over millions of years of deposits of different materials, then eroded in different ways, they are truly one of the 7 wonders of the natural world (they are touting for votes for this at the moment!)
This is how they look on a sunny day from the other end!

Leamaneh Castle

The Burren

From there, we wound our way along the coastline, then inland to Aillwee Cave in The Burren - formed through the ages by the melt waters of a prehistoric ice age and home to the brown bear many years ago. There are bear bones found there that are over 2000 years old. Also saw some stalactites and stalagmites.

Aillwee Cave, Burren

Off then through Galway to stay the night in Oughterard so we can visit a castle tomorrow.
Staying on the shores of Lough Corrib, Ireland largest lake tonight. They are promising better weather in Dublin tomorrow. Will let you know when we get there.