Sunday 3 July 2011

Day 46 - NEW YORK - HOME

Spent the morning on the ‘Uptown Tour’ of the on/off bus, after having packed and checked out of the hotel. Off for some last-minute retail therapy, before getting the taxi to JFK for our flight back home. Our Bangladeshi taxi driver was very talkative and we learned a lot about the corruption in the NYPD!

Central Park

Harlem house entrances

Last photo in Times Square
Got to the airport in plenty of time – our flight was an hour late – what’s new?

Had a little hiccup at LAX as we were at the wrong terminal for the onward flight to Auckland...... but all’s well that ends well and we are now home safe and sound.

A great trip – wonderful 7 weeks - we had a ball.

Thanks to all our readers. Hope you have enjoyed the trip too!

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